Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday, March 29th

We had a wonderful trip to the Alliance Theater today to see Cinderella!  It was a wonderful version that was very different from the typical Cinderella and the version we saw from The Atlanta Opera.  Ask your child to tell you more!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday, March 28th

Good morning! Our week is off to a busy start!

We are working to utilize our understanding of decimal fraction when solving multi-step word problems.  We will be reviewing addition, comparing decimals, number lines, and word problems today to prepare for our assessment on Thursday.

Students excitedly began piecing together their Rube Goldberg Machines!  They are in the early phases and were able to make some decisions yesterday about set up, and supplies.  They began recording their materials and the quantity needed.  I am excited to see the progress of the groups throughout the week.

Students began research an invention from the Industrial Revolution.  They are working to create a small poster for presenting their information to a small group of students.  They are becoming experts on their invention and will be taking on the role of teacher on Thursday.

We are looking forward to our field trip tomorrow.  We will seeing Cinderella at the Alliance Theater!  No need to worry about lunch.  We will be back in time to have lunch at school.

Don't forget to take just a few minutes to complete this short survey about your experience during student-led conferences.
Student-led Conference Survey

Scholastic order forms were sent home yesterday.  I will place the order the Monday after Spring Break.  You may send your order to me, or you may order online by entering our class code: MDNZB.

Have a great Tuesday!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday, March 23rd

Thank you for coming to Student-Led Conferences!  It was so wonderful to see everyone so engaged in discussions about learning and hear the students speak so reflectively about their progress.

We began working to add mixed numbers representing tenths and hundredths.  Students are using the same strategies that were used in term 4.  They first have to create a like denominator by multiplying or dividing by 10.  From there, the whole numbers are added together, and the fractions.  If the fraction is improper, wholes are taken away from the fraction and given to the whole number.

Students completed their simple machines assessment this afternoon.  Next week, we will have our assessment over The Oregon Trail, the California Goldrush, and the invention that helped change our nation.  We will also have one more math assessment next week.

Thanks for all that you do!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday, March 20th

Happy First Day of Spring!

We had a wonderful start to our week!

Student-Led conference prep and practice is in full swing.  Students are completing their slides shows and are ready to practice their conference materials.  They are working so hard!

After researching and inquiring into life on the Oregon Trail, students are working to create comics, or tell a story through journal entries.  They are including the driving forces behind traveling westward, and the impact of their movement on people, land, and development.

We are looking forward to a visit from The Wylde Center tomorrow!  They do such amazing work connected to our science standards for 4th grade and will review some standards from our previous terms in a fun and hands on way!

Important Information from City Schools of Decatur

Join the Conversation- Elementary Facility Planning Community Survey
Thank you to everyone that attended the Elementary Facility Planning Community Meeting regarding the construction and grade configuration of our elementary schools. As a follow-up to the community meeting, we have posted a survey to solicit more community feedback. The feedback from the survey and community engagement session will be compiled by the steering committee for the Board of Education. Please read all of the documents from the March 13th community meeting before taking the survey. The survey will close on Sunday, March 26 at 11:59 PM. The documents and survey can be found here---->

Have a great night!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday, March 16th

Hello, Families!

I apologize for the lack of updates this week. It has been a busy one.

We have completed our force in motion assessment and have moved on to simple machines. Students first worked to sort and group pictures, trying to group like simple machines together. After some research yesterday, we began simple machine stations today. Students are working to explore, create, and test each of our six simple machines. They are recording their information, including pictures in a Google slides presentation. We will rotate through these stations into next week.

We also completed our first assessment over decimal fractions. Students complete a reflection of the assessment, which will be shared during student led concern next week.

After completing our assessment on the Louisiana Purchase and the Texas Revolution, we've hit the trail. The Oregon Trail! Students have worked to make inference from pictures and journal entries, and have complete a web quest about life on the Oregon Trail. They've discovered disease, starvation, treacherous terrain and more!

We are excited to welcome you to student led conferences next Wednesday. Confirmation of your scheduled time will come home next week. If you have not yet signed up, please use the link in your email or last week's blog posts to pick a time.

Have a great night!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday, March 9th

We had a great day on The Ave!

We worked to plot numbers and fractions to the hundredths place on a place value chart.  Students are able to decompose fractions into unit form, creating models to support the math thinking.

During reading, students have utilized nonfiction text structure to research and prepare to debate.  Students have taken the side of a Loyalist or a Patriot, and are prepared for our debate tomorrow.  Their goal is to use evidence to convince members of the other party to join their cause.
We are working hard on our force and motion videos.  Students will be able to record tomorrow, so please allow them to bring materials for one more day, if needed.

Small groups have worked to create advertisements both for and against the annex of Texas into the United States.  The perspectives of both sides were included on each of the advertisements.  Ask your child to tell you more about the driving forces behind the annexation of Texas!

We will take the first part of our Westward Expansion assessment tomorrow, and our Forces in Motion assessment will be on taken on Tuesday. Don't forget to study!

Be sure to check out the F.AVE Online Auction for great activities and prizes!
Online Auction Site

Also, tomorrow is the last day to complete the parent survey.
Georgia Parent Survey:

We are looking forward to a fantastic Friday!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday, March 6th

Happy Monday!

We had a great day!  Much of the day was spent exploring science and social studies information to deepen our knowledge and extend our learning.

Students will begin working to create Force in Motion videos this week.  I have asked for them to think of items that are appropriate for school that they may want to bring in to use in their videos.  Some examples are baseballs, footballs, a bow (not the arrow), etc....  No pretend guns (Nerf or otherwise) are allowed on school campus.  These items will come in on Wednesday and come home on Friday.

Please sign-up for Student-Led Conferences using the link below:
Student-Led Conference Sign-Up

Have a great day!!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thursday, March 2nd

We had another busy day!

Congratulations to Anson!  He is our class elected Superstar of the Month for February!  We are so proud of you!
We are continuing with our focus on tenths.  Students are working to created expanded form equations that model mixed numbers and utilize fraction decimals.

We enjoyed a library visit today and will continue with our book clubs tomorrow.

Students inquired into Newton's Third Law:  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  We utilized canisters, a penny, a hot wheels track, water, and Alka-seltzer to explore this law.  Ask your child what the purpose of the penny was, why the canisters moved the way that they did, and what variables they changed to see different results!!  See the video below to take a peek into our science today.
Third Times the Charm

We are looking forward to explorations tomorrow.  They start at 8:30!
Don't forget to complete your parent survey.
Georgia Parent Survey:

Have a great evening!