Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday, April 24th

Happy Monday!

We are off to a busy start this week!

We began working to add and subtract standard measurements.  Students are working to create number bonds to model regrouping or borrowing in order to complete their equations.  They should model their thinking throughout their problem solving.

We began working to analyze quotes from historical figures.  Students were given several quotes and asked to mark them based on the amount they agreed with each quote.  We will dive in tomorrow to explore the historical figures who were quoted and decide which historical figures beliefs align with ours.

Stay tuned for updates about MAP Testing schedules and more important things that will be coming up on our schedule!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thursday, April 13th

It has been a wonderful and busy week!
We had a wonderful visit with The Wylde Center on Tuesday!  The class inquired into the nutritional components of soil and even tested our soil here at F.AVE to determine its quality!

We are inquiring into the Core Democratic Values of America.  These are the ideas and beliefs that are at the core of our country.  Students are researching these values for a small project for later this week and next.

Ms. Monroe's last day with us will be tomorrow.  We have thoroughly enjoyed our time with her and wish her the best as she returns to her Kindergartners at Westchester.  We look forward to seeing her back here at F.AVE as a 4th grade teacher in the fall!  Thank you, Ms. Monroe!!

This afternoon, we completed a practice GMAS session this afternoon.  This year, students will be taking the GMAS completely online.  Today, they were given a stand for their iPad and a key board.  We were able to log-in to the GMAS practice session to explore and practice using the different tools available for the test.  Students then practiced answering and responding to a variety of questions.  We will continue to practice using the key boards tomorrow and Monday, so they become more familiar with them.  Our testing will go from Tuesday to Friday next week.  We will test first thing in the morning, so it is VERY IMPORTANT that students arrive on time to school.  Please see the message below for a message from Ms. Newton about next week's testing:

As you know we will begin GMAS testing next week.   F.AVE teachers will administer this year's GMAS to classes other than their own.  This is sometimes requested of schools by the state department of education.  It has been required of us for this year's administration.  Please note below the assignments for testing.  The pairings indicate the two teachers who will switch classes to administer the test. The children will remain in their classrooms and the teachers will report to another class.  In most cases, the pairings are teachers directly across the hall from each other and there is some familiarity for students.  Traditionally, many of our students do not test with their teacher because of testing accommodations, so it is a familiar practice for us and we will prepare the kids for this change as well. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please contact me.  Thanks for your continued support!
4th grade 
5th grade

Have a great night!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Monday, April 10th

Welcome back!  I hope you enjoyed a wonderful and restful break!  This is a lengthy post.  Please read it in its entirety.  Important testing information as well as messages from other teachers are included.

Congratulations to Palmer!  She is our class elected Superstar of the Month for March.  We are proud of you!

Many students worked to complete a reflection of the math assessment from the end of term 5.  Those who have completed their reflection will have it in their communication folder this afternoon.  All others, as well as the assessment, will come home tomorrow.

We worked to complete a new STAR Assessment for term 6 and complete a reflection of our Unit of Inquiry.  Students worked to update their term 5 portfolios in Google drive.

We enjoyed a quick visit from Pamela Weidmann.  She is a co-author of the book Picasso Moves In.  We were so happy to have her visit and share a little bit with us about the process of writing and publishing a book.  Ask your child to tell you more!

We kicked off our Unit of Inquiry for Term 6 this afternoon.  Our theme for this term is Who We Are.  Students were asked to write on a note card five beliefs that they have.  They shared their beliefs at their tables, and then the groups worked to write down the shared/common beliefs amongst table members.  We had a great discussion about beliefs and where they come from.  We were also a bit surprised at how many common beliefs the students in our classroom have.  Check out the new central idea and lines of inquiry below.  Ask your child to tell you more!

GMAS Schedule Information
We will begin GMAS testing next week for 4th graders, Tuesday, April 18th- Tuesday, April 25th. For 5th graders, testing will begin Tuesday, April 25th- May 1st.  All students will test on-line this year. We will be doing practice tests this week, so they are familiar with the platform. It is very similar to MAP, therefore we do not anticipate major issues. 
Below is a link to a site that has practice GMAS questions.  Feel free to use it as you see fit (optional).
GMAS Practice Site

In today's communication folders you will find an application for the F.AVE Variety Show.  These are due on Wednesday.  You will also find log-in information for TenMarks.  This is a math focused site, where students can explore on their own or work on assignments from me.  Some students logged in at school today.  All will have logged in at school tomorrow, and they can log-in at home as well.

A Message from Maestra Wagner
¡Saludos F.AVE familias!
Though it is difficult to believe, our sixth and final term of the school year is beginning!  At the end of Term 5, Spanish students were assessed in Writing and Listening.  Please be on the lookout for your child’s end of term assessments in the red communication folder. 

The grade for the Writing assessment is derived from a combination of quantity of target vocabulary employed and comprehensibility.   In the event that your child was absent during make-ups or received a 1 on an assessment, there will be an opportunity to re-take the assessment during the week of April 10-14.  Extra, at-home practice of Term 5 vocabulary (via our Quizlet site) is recommended before re-taking the assessment. 
As always, Term 6 vocabulary activities are available on our Quizlet site for extra, at-home practice of our current target vocabulary.

I look forward to another great term,
 Maestra Wagner

A Message From the Media Center
Author Visit - Pre-Orders due April 19th!
On May 3rd, author Gail Carson Levine is coming to visit our 4th graders at F.AVE! We are very excited to host the author of the Newbery Honor winning book, Ella Enchanted. Teachers have been reading this book aloud to their students as part of their Term 5 UOI study, in conjunction with their visit to the Alliance Theater and the opera performance of Cinderella

Gail Carson Levine has written many novels, most of them adventure fantasy fiction. Her lead characters are always strong females who lead quests, fight dragons, and save the day. Unlike many other books for this age, the female character is not just helping a male character achieve their goal, rather she is the hero and focus of the adventure tale. She will be here to talk mainly about her newest book, The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre, which will be released on May 2nd.

If your student would like to meet Ms. Levine and get a book autographed, they can pre-order copies of any one of three of her books using the attached form. All orders are due no later than April 19th and should be sent to the media center or to your child's teacher! Students may also bring copies from home of her books if they already own them.