If you need something to do today, I have just thing!
Check out this website! It has great information about the exploration that we completed yesterday using flashlights, mirrors, convex lenses, and concave lenses. You can do a short write up about something that you learned about the different lenses and curved mirrors (like the funhouse picture we saw). Bring your short write up in to class when we return to school.
You can also check out some of these poems! Choose one, and try to think about the different topics about theme that may be present. Here's a little picture to remind you what some common topics may be:

How about some work with equivalent fractions!!! Here is a practice page that will be great review from our lesson yesterday using tape diagrams and multiplication equations. Want a challenge?! Try this one!!
You can also review this reading passage about the Articles of Confederation and describe its weaknesses to your parents.
Don't forget, you can always log on Compass Learning. Your username is your lunch number, the password is go, and the school should be Decatur.
Hopefully we will see each other tomorrow, but if not.....I have more activities ready for you!!! :)