Friday, January 18, 2019

Friday, January 18th

Using prisms to bend light (refraction).  We made rainbows!!!

A chilly recess!

 Village Gathering!
Hoola Hoop Race Video

 Working on showing mastery with timelines!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Tuesday, January 15th

Happy Tuesday!  We are having a great week on The Ave.!

We have been exploring figurative language in texts.  Students have been finding examples of smilies, metaphors, hyperboles, personification, and more within provided texts and in their own reading.  We have been working to determine the meaning of these figures of speech and how they are used to make reading/writing interesting.

We have begun inquiring into refractions, completing a simple experiment this afternoon.
Refraction Experiment Video

We have begun exploring the story of the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.  Students are inquiring into the history and culture of the story, and the different perspectives to consider.

Please take five minutes to complete this parent survey about F.AVE.  Thanks!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Friday, January 11th

We had a fun week!!

Exploring the different perspectives in groups of pictures!

Enjoying the sunshine at recess!

 Sharing our writing ideas for our I believe opinion essays!

 Exploring the passage Eleven for the theme!

Classifying objects as opaque, translucent, or transparent!

 Inquiring into how adding a variable can change the way that light behaves with objects...we added oil!

Oil Video

Communicating the perspectives of the Star Spangled Banner through art!

Inquiring into how light a straight line!