Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday, September 20th

The Book Fair was AMAZING!!!

 Metric Olympics!!

 Driving Forces (Video)!!

 Push and Pull sort!!!

Egg Drop Video!!

 Exploring dramas to describe characters!!!

 Writing Skits!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Saturday, September 14th

 When much of our class began having trouble making the right choice and blamed others for their actions, we had a crew meeting to discuss the Circle of Control.  Everything inside of the small circle are the things that the kids can control.  Everything in the larger circle are things that they can't.  This was a great discussion and helped get the kids back on track.

Using cards and dice to reinforce addition and subtraction with regrouping strategies!

 Talley Rally Fun!!

Human Knot (video)!!  

Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday, September 6th

Our study skills block is when kids our pulled into smaller groups to focus on supporting content needs.  Here we are revisiting the concepts of ten times as many or ten times less than by learning about and playing some new math games!

 We continue to build our science inquiry and thinking skills through STEM activities.  Here we are building foil towers for height and straw platforms that are capable of holding the weight of three large pairs of scissors!