Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday, December 7th

Happy Monday!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Students explored angle classifications and protractors today.  For homework, they are working to classify angles based on the observations.

We also enjoyed a visit from Dr. Root.  She completed a lesson about bullying with our class.  Ask your child to tell you more!

Students received a study guide for science today and will receive social studies tomorrow.  These guides are not meant to be turned in, but are a tool for studying and reviewing the concepts we've discussed this term.  We will NOT be taking our science or social studies tests this week.  Those will occur sometime next week (likely Wednesday or Thursday).

See below for important happenings in school.  Have a great evening!

Honoring our Staff
Custodial and food service workers work behind the scenes and are often unappreciated for the hard work that they do keeping schools clean and well maintained and keeping students and teachers well fed.These people are an important part of the success of our school because a clean, well maintained and operational building is a reflection on the school itself. During this holiday season we want to show F.AVE's student, teacher and family appreciation of our wonderful custodial and food service personnel by presenting each of them with a monetary gift.  In order to do so, we would like to ask each student to bring in a $1 or more to donate to this gift. Before we leave for the December break, we will present a gift to each person (custodial and food service) on behalf of the F.AVE school community.

Here's how you can help:
  • Place your monetary donation in an envelope and send to teacher
  • Teachers will turn in donations to Ms. Baker at the front office
  • Please send all donations by Wednesday, December 16th.
Thank you for considering joining us in this appreciation!

A letter from Senora Souki
Hola a todos!
On 12/9 and 12/10 our 4th graders will take the Spanish listening and writing summatives for Term 3.

To be prepared for the test, please review and practice our  vocabulary on Quizlet, make your own flash cards and games, or tell someone the stories and use the vocab words while telling them.

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