Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday, August 31st

Exploring text structure!

 12 Card Towers!

Boston Tea Party Comics!

Having Fun!

Author Visit - Henry Lien!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tuesday, August 28th

Happy Tuesday!

We have had a great week so far!

Students have been engaged in our our base ten system helps us round numbers for estimation and to make addition and subtraction easier.  We have worked on using a number line and learned about the "Cinderella Strategy" today.  Can your kiddo explain the "Cinderella Strategy?"  Ask them to round 12, 347 to the nearest thousand!

As we move along in our processes of change in the colonies, we are diving into the Boston Massacre.  We are inquiring into the two sides of the story.  Today, students examined images by different artists that depict the Boston Massacre.  They made observations, and worked to understand perspective.  I am excited to share some news accounts with them and have them work to decide who really started the Boston Massacre: the colonists, or the British troops!

We are enjoying developing our opinion writing pieces.  Students have developed a graphic organizer and completed all of the parts.  We will be ready to begin typing our draft this week, so that we may begin revising and editing.  Ask students about their topic/thesis statement, and what reasons they have for their opinion.

Curriculum night is at 6:00 tonight.  I am excited to see everyone!  Head to the multi-purpose room first. 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday, August 17th

It was a wonderful week!

Paper Airplane Challenge!!!

Math Games!!

 Chromebook research!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wednesday, August 15th

It has been a great week at F.AVE!

We have been diving into our inquiry into how structures guide relationships, and ways systems work together.  We have been building our sense of our number system and how each place value unit is ten times greater than the place value unit before.  Our biggest goal in math this year is to draw/model what we are thinking.  This is a spectacular way for students to communicate their understanding.  They were introduced to number disks as a way of modeling place value movement.  We also played some great math games that help build our fact fluency and area model concepts without even know it!

We explored the relationships between the British colonists, the French, and the Native Americans during the French and Indian War.  Ask your child to tell you about the outcome of the war and why the British colonists were upset, even though the British won!  Also, you can ask about the perspective of the Native Americans, and how this outcome impacted them.

King George III (aka: Laurel) began passing taxes on the colonists to pay for the expensive war!  This did not make the colonists happy at all!  Ask your child about our skittles activity from today, and how this connects to the relationships between the colonists and King George III.

We have been working as a team a lot this week, experience all of our IB Learner Profile attributes.  We have used only a few pieces of paper to get a group of students from one side of the room to another, and we used marshmallows and noodles to try to build the tallest tower.  Check-in with your child about their strategy and the learner profile attributes they used.

Students took reading and math assesslets.  These are taken twice a year at F.AVE to determine instructional needs and progress.

Have wonderful evening!

Friday, August 10, 2018

Friday, August 10th

Such a fun week!!

Choosing just right books!

 Aluminum foil boats!

 Math Games!!

Emoji Stories!

 End of the First Full Week Celebration!

 See you Monday!