We used prisms to explored refraction and made rainbows around the room!
Exploring images from the Oregon Trail and completing I see, I think, I wonder graphic organizers!
We inquired into the reflection and absorption of light by exploring the idea that the color black is the absorption of all colors! Students tested four different types/brands of black markers, making predictions and recording results after testing.
We explored symmetry using art! Students created kaleidoscope names using symmetry.
To celebrate the 100th day of school, we challenged ourselves to complete and recognize 100 acts of kindness in our classroom in two days! We did it! I am super proud of our Crew and their effort to recognize the positive things that occur in our classroom each day.
We continued exploring symmetry by playing Mirror Me! Students took turns adding pieces to their a pattern block design, and their partner had to add the identical piece on the other side of the "mirror" to make their design symmetrical.