Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
We began our day discussing the differences between summarizing and retelling information from a text. Students worked to summarize a reading that we've been working with called Animal Senses. Tomorrow we will work to add details to change our summary into a retelling.
Students began drafting their introductory paragraphs for their opinion pieces. They are turning out great so far! I can't wait to work on the body of our essays tomorrow.
During math we looked at the rules of divisibility. By using these rules, students can determine just by a quick check if a dividend will be evenly divided by its divisor. Ask your child to tell you more!
Students were given a math sheet for homework. We had a few minutes at the end of the day, so they were able to work on it in class. Several finished. :) Don't forget that spelling homework has gone home and to complete your nightly reading.
We have a busy week ahead with a cultural arts performance and a field trip. Please be sure that your child arrives to school on time every day. We want to take advantage of instruction time, and we don't want to miss out on these fun events!
We are ready for our field trip on October 27th. I am still in need of at least one or two chaperones to assist us in walking to and from Agnes Scott. We will be leaving at about 9:30 and should return by 12:15. Please e-mail me at csanders@csdecatur.net if you are interested. Thank you in advance!
Have a wonderful evening!!
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