Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday, January 27th

We had a very busy day!!

We worked in reading stations this morning.  Students completed two stations and will complete the others during the remainder of the week.  The reading clubs that worked with me today began analyzing the Greek myth Pandora's box.  We analyzed the characters and discussed the plot.  Students were able to identify specific descriptors in the myth.  They were also able to come up with a theme or message from the story.

We continued publishing our opinion pieces.  Students are typing their published pieces.  They are turning them in through their Google Drive.  I will be able to read and access them in their drive and provide feedback and notes.  Students will be given the opportunity to revise their pieces one more time after I have provided feedback.  About half of the students have turned them in at this time.

We worked, again, to compare fractions.  Students spent the day working to multiply the denominators to find a common denominator and equivalent fractions.  Most felt much more confident after math today.

We have explorations tomorrow afternoon and field trip forms are due by the end of the week!

Have a wonderful evening!

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