Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday, March 10th

Happy Thursday!

Sorry for the late post.  We had a wonderful and busy day!

We are very excited to complete our forces in motion videos tomorrow.  Students are able to bring in items from home to use when completing their videos.  They will be a great opportunity for team work and application of our knowledge and unit of inquiry.

As we continue our journey across the United States, students are inquiring into the life on The Oregon Trail.  They worked to complete an Oregon Trail scavenger hunt this afternoon, looking for specific details about the journey.

Our writing pieces continue to progress.  We began the planning phase of the opinion portion of our pieces today.  Students worked to create a thesis that connects to the first their previously drafted informative sections.

Thank you so much for all of your contributions and collections for Pennies for Patients!  Ms. Ehmer and I are always overwhelmed by your generosity.  We are collecting for one more week, so keep it coming!  We are getting closer everyday to our school goal of $3,000!

I hope to see many of you at the Tour Decatur Expo tomorrow!  Arrive at 6:30 to have your name put in the drawing for a chance to throw a pie in my face, or another amazing F.AVE teacher!

See you in the morning!

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