We are off to a wonderful start this week!
A day in pajamas didn't slow us down a bit! We eagerly began working during genius hour. Some groups are working to create their presentations for their Million Dollar project. They shared their slides through Google Drive, so they are able to work on them with their partner simultaneously.
We spent some time reviewing factors, multiples, prime, and composite numbers. Students worked in stations to create factor rainbows, and review several math skills from our previous weeks such as expanded and word form, rounding, multiplying multiples of ten, and more.
Students were asked to remain in the hallways with a partner after lunch. They played the role of settlers. With their partners, they determined were in the classroom would be a good place to "settle." They were asked to explain the reasons they settled in their location, and what resources they had available to be successful in the classroom. Did they have everything that they needed? If not, what would they do to get what they needed? We had a great discussion and are already beginning to understand the perspective of Europeans arriving to settle in the America and establish the thirteen colonies. Ask your child to tell you more!
It's Superhero Day tomorrow and historical figure day on Wednesday!
Have a great night!
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