Happy Monday!
We had a busy day, inquiring into solving addition and subtraction problems when provided mixed standard units, experiencing what it feels like when only boys or only girls are allowed to vote, and going through some strategies for our test taking this week.
Overall, the class has expressed that they are a bit nervous about testing. Ms. Ehmer and I have done our best to keep it low key and encourage them that they are prepared and will do their best. Thank you for your help with keeping things positive at home regarding testing. It is stressful for everyone, so it means a lot to have your support.
We will begin testing every morning at 8:00, so arriving on time is very important. Students have a few important morning procedures to complete before we begin testing. They will need to have one or two books with them for reading when they have completed their test.
We will have a "go with the flow" week when it comes to our schedule. Students will be given lunch and recess every day, and we will continue to inquire and learn as the week progresses. Please, do not plan to check your student out in the morning this week, or Monday. Let me know if you have any questions.
I have added our MAP Testing schedule to the upcoming events.
There will be no homework this week because of testing. Students should enjoy rest and play after school.
Thank you for all that you do to support our class!
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